Energy Saving Tips


Energy Bill Savings

Maravilla Foundation is a strong advocate for energy conservation and awareness. We encourage our clients to take necessary steps to optimize the amount of energy consumption in their homes. This will help them save money on their monthly utility bills and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


Energy Conservation Tips + Packet


TIP #1

Keep your heater at 68 degrees Fahrenheit or lower in winter; 55 degrees at night.


TIP #5

Use cold water when using a washing machine - this can help save families up to $120/year.

TIP #2

When using a heater, use a ceiling fan to distribute heat evenly.


TIPS # 6+

For the best of our energy saving tips, please download our energy savings brochure: download

TIP #3

Replace or clean system filters once a month when in use to improve efficiency.


TIP #4

Covering dishes in the microwave reduces cooking time and eliminates mess.